
Coffee chat 1 – Daily Bible Reading

coffee chat

I love a good discussion with a friend over a steaming cup of chai…

Unfortunately, I can’t gather all of you at a comfortable cafe, so, I’ll have to be content with this little corner of the Internet.

For this first symposia, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you incorporate Bible reading into your daily life. (I’ve also posed this question on our Facebook page.)

Life gets busy. Schedules change. Accidents happen. The alarm doesn’t ring. Dogs destroy furniture. Kids color on the wood floors in permanent marker… (not that it has ever happened to me…)

All too often, the immediate supplants the important.

How do you discipline yourself to get time with God’s Word?

Please leave a comment below while you sip on your favorite cup of tea or coffee!

8 thoughts on “Coffee chat 1 – Daily Bible Reading

  1. I’ve found a yearly bible reading plan is a great way to stay on track. It’s not a guarantee to keep you on a daily track but it keeps you honest. 🙂

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    1. A yearly bible is definitely useful. I have only used F. LaGard Smith’s The Daily Bible. Any versions or compilations you’d recommend?


  2. I keep a bible under the seat of my car. Aside from bible study at home or with the church, I find plenty of opportunities to read when I’m out after running my errands or when I hit the local coffee shop.

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  3. So weirdly I’ve found that I do really badly with “planned” studies – when I say to myself that I must sit down at x, y, or z time to study God’s word. It also results in me “pigeonholing” God sometimes – I give him that one half hour and then I’m “done” and go on with my day.

    So I do two practices instead which have helped me. The first is that I read several single Bible verses a day, at random moments throughout the day. I sometimes use the “Random Bible Verses” website for this, or sometimes I just look up something that’s on my mind. Sometimes the verse I find doesn’t suit me, so I end up clicking around until I find one that I know I’ll keep with me. Often I then feel inspired to go read the chapter/passage it’s in, and then I return to that throughout the day. The idea is to at least read *something* that will keep God in mind and close to heart throughout the day rather than making Him a task to accomplish.

    The second is actually blogging. Because I’ve set my mind to blog three times a week, it forces me to keep up with enough study to manage my topics. Basically, I come up with studies/topics on the days I don’t blog, which moves me to the Bible, and on the days I do blog I’m often wading around in corroborating Scriptures. Because I’m a professor and I also learn well by teaching, this works really well for me!

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    1. I too have found blogging/writing to be an excellent focus for my study. It’s like the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People—you understand a concept with more depth if you are able to explain it to someone else.

      I also like how you mention reading something each day to keep your mind on God. That is the primary goal of daily bible reading!

      Thank you for your comment!


  4. I’m typing as I prepare my americano (espresso with hot water;)
    It is rare if I am not able to spend dedicated time in prayer and reading God’s word. Before you puke from my confident statement, I promise I am not bragging.
    I’ve learned a lot about my character over the years: I am late to way too often, I’m easily distracted and I hate formalities. These issues have taught me to be extremely intentional with the most important aspects of my life. If I’m not intentional, it’ll fall away eventually.
    My routine: Alarm goes off a few times (thank you, snooze button!) Then my amazing husband comes in with coffee (it’s been something he’s done since day one) The smell wakes me up enough so that I can grab my journal, a pen and my bible and my phone and my ipad…lol I pray for focus and direction. It flows from there!
    Bottom line: it is a blessed routine that occurs before I get out of bed.
    ❤️Greta (ps-I’m sorry for the long response- this post inspired me!)

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