Christian Living

Surviving College… as a Christian

young people reading and taking notes

“We are hoping someday to be more progressive like Berkeley, allowing boys and girls to use the same bathrooms. Eventually, we would like to have co-ed dorm rooms.”

An unnamed administration official at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 1999

My parents listened to that statement during my freshman orientation. I was sequestered in another building, registering for classes and getting the scoop on catalogs and class-crashing. When we met up for lunch a few hours later, they related this scene and the breakout of grumbling around them. Apparently, as they looked around the room, more than one face seemed to go pale.

It seemed a little weird to me—back then—that a college would even consider co-ed dorm rooms. Out of one side of their mouth they fretted about rape and sexual assault, while out of the the other, they wanted this idealistic progressivism. One of our most vulnerable times is when we are asleep. I could imagine all the ways something could go horribly wrong for both a female or a male in that situation.

Ah, college. A place where logic and insanity collide.

My parents must have prayed for me—a lot—because I survived college with an even stronger faith than when I arrived. 

College has always been (and always will be) awash with challenges and temptations. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either blind or deceitful. High stress, binge drinking, drug abuse, mental fatigue, promiscuity, and financial inducements can lead a naive kid to destruction. Even if you put your nose to the grindstone and focus entirely on your studies, you may find yourself idolizing your career and forgetting God somewhere along the way.

So how does one survive the testing ground of college?

#1: Know Thyself

It’s very easy to be overconfident in the strength of your faith. Take a good hard look at your high school years. Take stock of the times you’ve succumbed to peer pressure. Consider the times you really wanted to give in to temptation, but didn’t (maybe because you knew you’d catch it from your parents). Do you have strong connections to your home church? Do you feel motivated to attend worship on your own if you go away to college?

Before you ever enroll in college, you need to take an honest self-exam. If you’re going away to school, you will be tested like never before. Are you prepared? If you’re not sure, ask some recent college graduates (who are also solid Christians) about their experience. What challenges did they face? What problems could arise in the dorms? What should one be wary of?

Only you know the state of your heart. If your faith is weak, or you tend toward following the crowd, it may be more prudent to attend a local college and live at home where you already have a base of support and accountability.

#2: Join yourself to a sound congregation

When I applied to Cal Poly, I knew there was a sound congregation just up the highway because I had already been there once before. To my surprise, someone told me just the opposite, so I had to make the trek two more times before school started to look at other churches and see for myself (again). As it turned out, that congregation was one of the strongest I had ever seen. While my parents were concerned about the distance of the church from the college (it was 45 minutes away), the soundness of the teaching, preaching, and leadership was more than reassuring.

If you don’t have access to a good church, transfer.

Yes, I know it’s extreme, but consider: Is it worth getting the “ultimate” education at the cost of your faith? 

The church I worshipped with in college became my family. I was car-less during my freshman year, and someone always picked me up from the dorms to take me to worship and weekly bible studies. We were encouraged (and expected) to make worship a priority. The elders of our church, often like grandparents, always made themselves available to counsel and encourage us. If we missed worship, someone always called to make sure we were okay.

I’ll never forget the time I laid in an emergency room, thinking I would surely die alone (It turned out to be kidney stones), when one couple stopped by to check on me and another came to stay with me until I was discharged. This group of God’s people didn’t just teach the truth, they lived lives of sacrificial love.

Did every college kid who walked into our church stay faithful?

I think you know the answer.

The only people who remained in the faith were those who made God their top priority.

Being part of a strong church does not make you a strong christian, but a sound church can help you stay on the strait and narrow.

#3: Flee Temptation.

Don’t play with the matches of temptation unless you want to burn down your spiritual house.

Spend time with friends and mentors who will keep you on track.

Learn what situations to avoid.

Parties are a hotbed for drunkenness, lust, fights, and rank stupidity; it’s best to make yourself scarce and find something else to do. Being alone with the opposite sex can lead you lots of place you don’t want to go, so shoot for double dates or public places.

Guard your heart from pride—college can make a person absurdly arrogant.

#4: Make time to read your Bible.

You will spend hours this semester reading textbooks, so why not schedule 15 minutes of bible reading per day? That 30-minute break between chem lab and architecture is an opportune time to crack open the bible with a cup of joe. Listen to it on a walk between classes. Find some way to get into the word daily. Anti-Christian sentiments run rampant on college campuses so you need to intentionally balance what you’re taking in every day.

Even if you are attending a Christian college, study the word on your own. False teaching creeps in and leads the gullible astray.

Don’t be a fool. Educate yourself in the book that counts.

#5: Find healthy ways to have fun

I was extremely blessed to have a best friend in college who didn’t think it necessary to get hammered every weekend. She lived across the bathroom from me in the dorm we dubbed “the concrete palace.” We would go to the downtown farmer’s market, visit the beach, hang out at Fat Cat’s Cafe for hot cocoa and homework, or simply gather a bunch of friends and have a potluck dinner once a week. She was my friend through thick and thin, helping me find balance in the grind of work and school.

Choose your friends wisely and allow yourself time for some good, healthy fun. If you need alcohol to have a good time, it must not be that good of a time.

#6: Remember Your “Why”

Why did you decide to go to college in the first place?

A specialized career?

The potential for financial prosperity?

When I started college, I was aiming to get my B.S. in Chemistry and then apply to UCSD to obtain a Doctor of Pharmacology degree. In the end, I graduated with a B.S. in Graphic Communications with a minor in music. Despite the wide shift in study, my overall goal never changed—get a degree for expanded job opportunities and self-sufficiency.

I wanted to serve God, but I was also obsessed with getting my degree. I attended worship regularly, but in reflection, I was far too focused on self. Thankfully, the Lord held my hand through it all and extended me more grace than I deserved. One thing I have learned in my life as a Christian is that God recognizes our short-comings even if we don’t and will help those who seek Him.

Set a goal to get that degree, but don’t lose sight of who you are and who’s you are. You may think you don’t have time now, but I assure you—as someone standing on this side of graduation—the time never really appears. Make time to be involved with the church now and seek ways to serve today.

You can survive college as a Christian. Keep God as king of your heart and stay committed! He will carry you through this!

This is the sixth installment of our “Back to School” series. If you missed the previous post, click here

62 thoughts on “Surviving College… as a Christian

      1. Thank you for the reply, so sorry it took so long ton get back to you, I write for another blog as well. I hope the plans God had for you left you in a place as beautiful as San Luis Obispo!


  1. I’m just glad I made it out alive!!! 😉
    I went to UGA in the late 70’s…it’s reputation then was that of a party school—I don’t know if much of that has changed today but I do know that balancing my faith, friends, classes was never easy…
    I am just thankful that most of my professors were good, decent educators…with only a few that were way out in left field—today is a different story.
    I currently live in a small college town where the faculty is exceedingly liberal and left leaning..and that is here in a little ol southern town….
    Christianity is not very welcomed on the campus…as I am finding that to be the case on most state funded as well as private schools…
    I have a dear friend who is a professor—she is an ardent Christian who comes home from teaching and working each day exhausted and frustrated as she is learning to keep a job means to keep quiet regarding her faith—
    This are indeed troubling times on our campuses…..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Agreed! I used my little anecdote from 1999 to highlight just how much things have changed. It is my understanding that 20 campuses now offer co-ed dorm rooms. Times, they are a-changing and not necessarily for the better. Gotta keep praying this generation through!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Georgia had a couple of coed dorms in 1978 when I went—it was a bit risqué to be sure…but not worrying about anything of ill repute but rather just how trashy the boys dorms were..the worry was would now as a girl be living in filth…as there was litter strewn from one end of a hall to another in the boys dorms of which had all been nicknamed Animal house…. 🙂
        But I did have a friend who lived in one of the smaller ones and she said she actually felt safer with the boys around….
        another time sadly….

        Liked by 1 person

  2. These are very sound tips. I’m so appreciative of the fact that my daughter’s campus (state university) is completely alcohol-free and takes pride in the safety of their students. Also, our church has Institute classes on her campus (those are wonderful scripture study classes). I’m also thankful our church has its own private universities with high standards and singles wards (congregations) with programs in place such as family home evening groups (where several students are grouped together to enjoy wholesome activities once a week). It’s been such a blessing for my adult children to attend these types of universities for their higher education and also for my daughter to live at home while doing so (which was her choice).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Camie. I think it’s great that your daughter goes to a dry campus. I wish there was more of that. I also think it’s helpful for churches to have people who work in on-campus programs if for no other purpose than to encourage and support Christian students. Outreach is great, but sometimes we just need a lifeline in the rough ocean. May your children be blessed as they go through this season, and may the Lord bless you also!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I will check it out! Thanks! Yeah, it’s easy to get swept away by words. I wish someone had clued me in a bit when I was younger. Thankfully, God looked out for me! 🙂 Thanks for your comment. May the Lord be with you.


  3. So true! This is the second article I’ve read today, stressing the importance of knowing your “why!” Knowing where your identity is centered is so vital too, when that shifts, all those other things shift too. Such a good read, I’m going to pass it along to a few friends☺️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Miriam! Someone shared the “know who you are and who’s you are” a long time ago and it helped me when I felt like I was losing my grip. I appreciate the shares! God bless you.


  4. I love this. I am a college student who has been trying to give my all to staying close to God and it can be so trying. Sometimes I feel like my blog and others blogs are the only thing that keeps me grounded.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It definitely is a strain to stay on the right path in college! Between the professors and peers who think they know it all, one can grow weary of trying to stay centered.

      I would encourage you to keep writing. I used to journal—blogs were still in their birthing stages back then—and I found, even then, that writing helped me clear my head and refocus on what was important. May the Lord bless your efforts to serve Him. In Christ, you can overcome! God be with you.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the advice from this article! I did those things to keep me sane when I was in college as well. If you get a chance, check out my page where I talk about this topic and more. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s wonderful! It’s never too early to pray for their future. Yeah, I made my comment and then visited your blog and realized my mistake. I have three kids too and praying for them is a constant endeavor!

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  6. This is very constructive wisdom. As someone who lost their faith in university and struggled to regain it years later I know the dangers all too well. I intend to prepare my children well in advance to be grounded and supported.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I am so thankful you found the faith again. It breaks my heart to see people become disillusioned. Some of my favorite writers are the ones who spent years opposing God only to realize they were wrong. They are often the most passionate defenders. You will have much valuable insight to share with your children! May the Lord bless you in your endeavors!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. That’s exactly what I’m doing now is writing. I know what it feels like to resist God and I know how it feel to surrender. I want people to know that they can have an authentic walk with God.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. They were truly a blessing; they walked the walk! I still give thanks for their efforts for the gospel and their kindness to me. We definitely need more Christians to show care for the college students as it is a time of great testing. Thanks for your comment!


    1. If it is any consolation, I suffered many pitfalls as well. It’s hard to walk through fire and emerge without a burn or two. With God it is possible, but I do believe He can turn our failures into opportunities to mold us into stronger Christians who can strengthen others. God be with you and bless you.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. This is a great post! As someone still in college these are things that I’m constantly reminding myself. So many of my friends have lost their faith in the busyness, stress, and temptations of college. It’s a time where everyone gets tested (and not just in class haha). Thanks for the reminder!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I’m sorry you have had to watch people lose their faith. It can be such a disheartening experience. I love your pun, because it is indeed a time of testing. Keep holding on to God and He will get you through this. 😊

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    1. Thank you, Scott! I hope to share this with my kids when they prepare for that leap. I enjoyed reading through some of your blog posts as well, I like that you are trying to get people to share their stories of conversion. I don’t have a dramatic story, but the process of becoming more Christ-like is always a fascinating story of God’s constancy and grace, His patience with our stubbornness and our hearts being formed into diamonds instead of dust. Thanks for your great comment and may you be blessed in your efforts!


  8. Thanks for sharing this!! As a Christian going to university, it is hard for me to make time serving in the church, however, I am able to make time for church on Sunday’s almost every Sunday during the school year and try to for my Bible, not always successful. I keep telling myself that I will have time after I graduate, but we will see. I can believe that I have to be able to make time as much as I have to make time for my studies. It sometimes seems like while I am in school, I am bad at prioritizing my time with God, which is something that I am aware that I need to work on. Anyways, once again, thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Making time for God remained a challenge for me far into adulthood. I never anticipated how much having a spouse and children would eat up all the spare time I thought I would have. Sometimes we have to just fight to set aside time for him just like we would if we were hungry for food. I have found that listening to the word has helped me stay in it with greater regularity. YouVersion has audio versions of the Bible (and it’s free). I appreciate your candor because I believe sometimes we think we are the only one who struggles with these things, and it helps to know we’re not alone. Best wishes in University and may the Lord bless your efforts!

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  9. AH words cannot describe how much I loved reading this! I’m a freshmen in college right now and I can’t even begin to explain the relevance of this article to my life. I’m attending school away from home, so I watch my church service online, but I’m blessed enough to have friends I can share sermons with or talk about our faith and the Bible with. Thank you so much for sharing this!

    Liked by 1 person

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