Christian Living · Marriage and Family

When Your Plans Are Constantly Interrupted

Elihu’s Note: It’s been a busy week here at Elihu’s Corner! Thank you for your patience this week as I’ve posted more frequently than usual! If you’re concerned that I’m going to be posting everyday or four times a week, fear not—the normal schedule of two posts per week will stay the same unless there is something urgent I need to share.

Today I’m sharing another one of my posts from The Courage.

I would love some feedback from you, my dear readers: Would you prefer that when I share my posts from The Courage that I put the whole article here and simply note that it is republished (with a link) or, is the current format ok? They are a growing page and I want to help send traffic to their site as well. 

If you have any additional suggestions for the format of this blog, I am all ears! I’m preparing to make some changes to the visual layout to make it easier to navigate. (I just have to jump through the technical hurdles…)

Thank you for continuing to visit and read. I am so grateful for each one of you—your encouragement helps me on my own walk with the Lord, and it is my earnest prayer that what you read here encourages you to draw ever nearer to God.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.


The afternoon sparkled with promise. I sipped lightly on my chai latte, enjoying the delightful chatter of my children as we wound our way back home. Maybe when we got home I could do a little writing, play a few games with the kids, and catch up on a chore or two. I backed the car into the driveway, glad to be home, when a sudden retching noise burst my proverbial bubble. The rushing sound of vomit and the splattering of foul-smelling fluid sealed my fate for the afternoon.

Well… so much for those plans.

Welcome to parenting—where interruptions are as sure as the rising of the sun.

We never like to address the inconveniences of parenting. We don’t like to tell expecting moms and dads, “Sleep now, because you won’t be sleeping for the next few years.” Or, “Enjoy that pre-baby vacation because it’ll be awhile before vacations are relaxing.” It all sound so “glass-half-empty,” doesn’t it?

Here’s the reality: Raising children is inconvenient, but it’s the opportunity of a lifetime. When the Lord blesses us with children through adoption or birth, He has entrusted a young soul into our care for teaching, training, and affection. Your plans are going to be interrupted, and at what seems like the worst moments!

How do we react to these interruptions?

Do we explode with fury? Do we lock ourselves in the pantry with a bag of Oreos? Do we throw a pity party?

Or, do we pause and say, “Lord, help me see the opportunity here.”

Read the rest of this article at


9 thoughts on “When Your Plans Are Constantly Interrupted

  1. I like you giving the “teaser” at first rather than the link. If I am not hooked, my time-stress would probably make me move on. Especially if I had not read you enough to have faith in everything you say. Good advice on parenting. Of course, that is long ago need for me, but the words of young mothers help me in focusing prayers for my little ones even though they are great-grandchildren and I am no a primary caretaker.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I love that you pray for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In looking back over my younger life, I am convinced that I was protected and guided many times because “someone” prayed for me. God bless you.

      Liked by 1 person

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