Christian Living · Forgiveness

3 Truths to Remember in the Era of Misinformation

As we've navigated this pandemic (along with the corresponding quarantine, economic nosedive, and educational scramble), there have been boatloads of information and misinformation served with steaming sides of anger, self-righteousness, and superiority.  Before you speak, hit send, type a message, share a post, or assume the worst about anybody, listen to the words of James: Be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger..."

Knowing God · The Word of God

Can you hear me now?

The gospels are a fascinating study in stubbornness. Most of the Sanhedrin, the Pharisees, the Scribes, the Chief Priests, and the Elders of the Jewish Nation obstinately refused to listen to Jesus. They were nonplussed by His astounding miracles. So determined were they, to cling to their little sphere of power, that they ignored the voice… Continue reading Can you hear me now?

Christian community · Christian Living

How to Perfect the Art of Listening

Communication is a lost art. In spite of the vast amount of books, classes and seminars on the subject, we are probably worse listeners now than we were 50 years ago. We are instantly connected these days through social media, email, and texting and yet much is lost in the cacophony of wires, pixels and tones. How can we be better listeners?