Christian Living · encouragement

The One Thing You Need to Do Before You Set New Year’s Resolutions

Note from Elihu: I'm sure many of you have already made your goals, but if you're like me, the goals get re-evaluated frequently. This post applies to any time we make plans or goals or even dream dreams. I hope your year is off to a lovely start! May God bless you with grace and… Continue reading The One Thing You Need to Do Before You Set New Year’s Resolutions

Christian Living

3 Priorities for Day 1 of your new year

Today is the day we start taking our goals from ideation to reality. Are you ready to start the journey?


Coffee Chat 8 – Are you putting family or God on the back burner?

Do you put your family's needs on the back burner in the name of the Lord? Or, do you put God aside in the name of family?

The Word of God

Have you read the most influential bestseller in history?

Drop thy phone, and come, read me...