Christian Living

When God Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers the Way We Think He Should

When our prayers are not answered in the time or method we desire, what is our response? We cry. We agonize. We grow weary, anxious, or even discouraged. We petition God for healing, deliverance, success, provision, but He does not always say, "Yes." How do we react when God says, "No," or "Not yet"? Did… Continue reading When God Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers the Way We Think He Should


How do we Express our Gratitude to God?

Do I give the Lord perfunctory thanks and praise because I know it is expected? Am I in awe of His precious blessings, thanking Him like my kids thank me on Christmas when they receive a long-awaited gift?

encouragement · God's Love

Beautiful Blessings

We often hear people say, "I am blessed." Often, this is expressed in reference to prosperity, health, children, or peace. Indeed, our "blessings" come in diverse and unexpected shapes. In the book of Numbers, Aaron and the priests were instructed to bless the people in this way: The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to… Continue reading Beautiful Blessings