Christian Living · Scripture Writing Plans

Holiness Exalts the Lord: Scripture Writing Plan April 2022

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."1 Peter 2.9 When you hear the word holy, what comes to mind? Unfortunately, I think many people tend to envision a prideful, self-righteous mindset that disdains… Continue reading Holiness Exalts the Lord: Scripture Writing Plan April 2022

Christian community · Christian Living

What’s the Point of Going to Church if I Can Worship God Anywhere?

“Why do I have to go to church?” “I can do “church” on my own.” “I don’t get anything out of it.” I’ve heard all of them. I used to say the last one in my weaker seasons. I once had a friend tell me, "I can worship God anywhere. I can do church in… Continue reading What’s the Point of Going to Church if I Can Worship God Anywhere?

Christian Living · encouragement · The Word of God

The Need for Rest

Yesterday, as I reviewed my retirement accounts with my financial advisor, she commented, "Retirement looks much different now than in years past. People used to retire and live a leisure life; these days, people pick up another job just to stay busy." She is right, of course, although I believe there are more factors than… Continue reading The Need for Rest

Knowing God · Study · The Word of God

How do I read through Leviticus?

Do you have difficulty reading through certain books of the Bible? Here is my short-list: Revelation Ezekiel Some of the minor prophets (about 9 out of 12...) Parts of Exodus Leviticus Prophetic books containing apocalyptic language are an obvious challenge. It takes research into the symbolism, a knowledge of the historical time frame, and a… Continue reading How do I read through Leviticus?

Christian Living · Forgiveness · Knowing God

How do I Achieve Peace AND Be Holy?

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. - Hebrews 12.14, ESV Peace is an elusive, hard-won, state of affairs. One party may feel at peace while another is ramping up efforts to overturn it. World leaders made flowery overtures about how they longed for lasting… Continue reading How do I Achieve Peace AND Be Holy?