Christian Living · Scripture Writing Plans · Study · The Word of God

January Scripture Writing Plan: Renew. Refresh. Revive!

2019 is just around the corner. Some people are making resolutions, others set goals, and many choose a "word for the year." Whatever you choose, make time each day to engage with God's Word. If you aren't sure where to begin, I've provided some links below with ideas on how to begin, whether you're wanting… Continue reading January Scripture Writing Plan: Renew. Refresh. Revive!

Christian Living · encouragement · Scripture Writing Plans · Study

Scripture Writing Plan for December: A Joyful Heart

Whether you are reveling in the joys of this season, or (like me) struggle with the limited sunlight and pressures accompanying Christmas, it is my sincere hope that this focus on a joyful heart will uplift you this month. We have the hope of eternal life through Christ Jesus, and that knowledge should sustain us through whatever griefs or delights we endure in this life.


How do we Express our Gratitude to God?

Do I give the Lord perfunctory thanks and praise because I know it is expected? Am I in awe of His precious blessings, thanking Him like my kids thank me on Christmas when they receive a long-awaited gift?

The Word of God

11 Scriptures to Combat Anxiety

"Be afraid." "You are alone." "You're going to fail." "I am a failure." "How will I get through this?" The things we think and say when we feel anxiety often serve to deepen our fears. We can be our own worst enemy, and Satan is only too happy to help by feeding us lies. Take up the Sword of the Spirit and fight back.


Got Writer’s Block? These 7 Tips Will Help.

I'm writing this piece because I have writer's block. Seriously. Well... I'm also teaching my kids how to write, so this has been crowding up my brain lately. "My paper is due tomorrow!" "I have a sermon to preach!" "I don't know how to give this presentation!" "I haven't posted for a week! What should I… Continue reading Got Writer’s Block? These 7 Tips Will Help.