Scripture Writing Plans · The Word of God

Sowing Seeds: February 2023 Scripture Writing Plan

What is your favorite part about gardening?

For some, it’s picking out seeds and imagining the produce that will come once the plant is fully grown.

Although the ground is frozen, the time has come to do some garden planning. I’m a long way from starting a full garden, but I do plan to do some container gardening this season. Over the years, I have found that it’s both irritating and amusing how much work is invested in planting beneficial plants while weeds seem to spread effortlessly. Even so, I plan to scatter some wildflower and sunflower seeds along the edges of our property while starting vegetable and herb seeds indoors. The goal is, of course, to have some edible–and aesthetic–plants growing on the property.

The Bible has plenty of discussion about sowing (planting) and reaping (harvesting). There are passages expressing variations on the maxim, “you reap what you sow.” In other passages, Jesus compares sharing the gospel to sowing seeds. The goal of planting is, of course, to have a harvest… right? If it wasn’t, why go to the trouble of shoving little seeds into dirt?

After sharing the gospel, I’ve sometimes been discouraged by the lack of response. Even worse is when the response is, “I need to think about it” when they really mean, “This is crazy. I’m not doing it.” I am slowly learning that I need to stop worrying about the response. After all, I can’t control it. God has given me a simple task: sow the seed (share the word). Sometimes I plant. Sometimes I get to water. Sometimes I get to enjoy the beauty from someone else’s planting. Ultimately, the growth comes from Almighty God.

As you copy out this month’s scriptures, consider what you are busy planting in your life–not literal plants, but choices. Are you choosing to share the word? Are you choosing to follow Christ? Are your choices going to bear a harvest that glorifies God? Are you praising God when someone produces a harvest of righteousness (even if you weren’t the planter)?

We have three sections in this scripture writing:

  • Plant Carefully (“you reap what you sow” Make your choices with care!)
  • Plant the Word (Share the Gospel and don’t worry about whether you think the person is “receptive” or “worthy.”)
  • Do Your Part… Watch God Increase It (Be involved in “planting” the word and “watering” through encouragement and teaching, but don’t worry about whether there will be a harvest. God will grant the increase!)

I hope you’ll join us this month in writing through and meditating on these passages! Be sure to visit Elihu’s Corner on Facebook and Instagram (@elihuscorner) for daily posts & encouragement!

Download a Black & White PDF of the plan here:

Got little scripture writers?

Special thanks to Sara McBroom for these awesome tracing & copying sheets for the kids! To download, click the links below:

Not sure how to get started? Check out this post: How to Use Scripture Writing Plans

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