Christian Living · encouragement

A Spark in the Darkness.


Shootings in Dallas. Riots in Charlotte. Explosions in New York.

Deceit in the debate hall.

Worry abounds.

When darkness prevails and our grief overwhelms us, how do we get through it? What do we hold on to? 

Should we cling to the power of our country?

America is currently the world’s superpower with an unrivaled military and abundant wealth. We champion all sorts of causes and our voice is the loudest in global discussions. It’s like being the Big Man on Campus.

…But for how long?

I am a citizen of the United States of America and I love my country, yet I would be a fool to place all my confidence in her alone. Countries have risen and fallen throughout history. Clinging to my pride of citizenship is like putting trust in a sandcastle; no matter how big it is, at some point a bigger wave will rise up to take it down.

Hope: a beckoning spark

Beyond my citizenship in the United States, I have the privilege to be a citizen of a country far greater than this. The King of this country is incorruptible, truthful, just, merciful, and unswayed by polling numbers. He listens attentively to the cares of each of his citizens sojourning here on earth. His country is lush with peace—no wars, no riots, no death.

I am temporarily a citizen of the United States, but eternally a citizen of the kingdom of God. This life is NOT ‘all there is,’ and thank God for that!

My fellow Christians, if you are feeling disheartened today, I want you to remember some truths: The earth is passing away in all it’s glory, but the kingdom of God endures forever. Remember the promises of God and cling to them. Remember that we need not fear those who can harm the body, for our trust is in God.


Fix your mind on those true, noble, and praiseworthy things. Take time to unplug from the world and communicate with the King. Shut off the news—it’s depressing at best—and open your Bible.

If you are reading this and you are not a citizen of God’s kingdom, I encourage you to seek entrance today. You may think you don’t need God. Life may be excellent for you at this moment, but all that could change in the blink of an eye. (Remember 9/11/01?) Wouldn’t it be far better to live life of joyful hope that cannot be snatched away? You cannot become part of the kingdom of God unless you believe that Jesus Christ is His Son and have your sins washed away. (I you want to know more, send me a message via the Elihu’s Corner Facebook page.)

Hope in combination with trust in God will sustain us through the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.’ The hope we have in Christ gleams ever brighter in the encroaching darkness. Fortify your faith, hold on to your hope, and pour out love.

The best is yet to come if you are a citizen in God’s kingdom. Don’t let anyone extinguish your spark of hope.

These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.

~ Hebrews 11.13-16, ESV



12 thoughts on “A Spark in the Darkness.

  1. Elihu, I so enjoy your posts! I’m never disappointed.
    This is my takeaway from this one,”Fix your mind on those true, noble, and praiseworthy things. Take time to unplug from the world and communicate with the King. Shut off the news—it’s depressing at best—and open your Bible.”
    Enough said.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very kind, Beckie. Thank you!

      I used to tell my dad how much I wished I could have lived during World War II so I could have been part of all the great things that were done. He’d give me an eyebrow raise and sideways smile and quote the Chinese proverb, “cursed is he who lives in interesting times.” I always thought that was a weird perspective until I lived through 9/11, two Middle East wars and all the madness going down in our country today. Now I finally get it. I have to keep telling myself that line you quoted. It really does work toward easing anxiety.

      Liked by 2 people

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