Christian Living · Prayer

When You’re On Sensory Overload

The sink is overflowing with dishes and more have migrated to the countertops. Piles of laundry wait expectantly to be washed, folded or put away. Your kids seem to think that their outdoor behavior works indoors. Suddenly, you hear glass shatter nearby as the dog's tail makes contact with a vase. The phone is pinging.… Continue reading When You’re On Sensory Overload

Christian Living · Fear · Trust

7 Ways to Be Properly Worried

Got a sinking feeling? Pesky premonitions? Just a little nervous? That's nothing! Here are seven sure-fire tips to fuel that anxiety. Dwell on Your Fears Worried about the state of the country? Read more news. Join one of those activist movements and meet up with fellow disgruntled souls so you can gripe and grouse together. Listen to your favorite political news… Continue reading 7 Ways to Be Properly Worried

Christian Living · encouragement

A Spark in the Darkness.

Shootings in Dallas. Riots in Charlotte. Explosions in New York. Deceit in the debate hall. Worry abounds. When darkness prevails and our grief overwhelms us, how do we get through it? What do we hold on to?  Should we cling to the power of our country? America is currently the world's superpower with an unrivaled military and… Continue reading A Spark in the Darkness.

Christian Living · encouragement · The Word of God · Trust

Overcome or Overcomer?

She raked slender fingers through her long hair, willing the movement to ease her tensed nerves. Her heart seemed to gravitate towards the floor. Why couldn't something go right for a change? No matter what she did, it all seemed to unravel in the end. Seized with sorrow, she sank to her knees and wept. Plagued with doubt. Overwhelmingly defeated. Dogged by despair.