Faithfulness · Scripture Writing Plans

Remember… September 2022 Scripture Writing Plan

About this time last year, I was quarantined with Covid. In addition to the buffet of symptoms I had during my infection, I suffered from some post-covid symptoms as well. The worst post-covid symptom was memory loss. For weeks I wrestled with what I can only categorize as alzheimer’s-like symptoms. As I tried to tutor and communicate, I struggled to name objects and find words to describe various things I deal with in my day-to-day life. The sudden forgetfulness was frightening. Thankfully, those symptoms are long gone, but forgetfulness isn’t merely a post-Covid symptom. History bears witness to the repeated failure of people to learn from past mistakes or to remember the good that was done for them.

Sadly, within the accounts recorded in the Bible, forgetfulness is rampant. God has established ways for His people to remember important events and stay focused on what is truly important, and not everyone obeys Him. The Ancient Israelites are a prime example of short-term memory loss–they wanted to go back to the land where they had been slaves just weeks earlier! They continually forgot (or took for granted) God’s wonders, His provisions, and His power.

Let’s learn from history.

For this month’s scripture writing plan, I want each of us to Remember…

…who God is

…what God has done

…His established memorials

…His commands

…His warnings and His promises

…by teaching

…and do not forget

…where you came from

Remembering is not merely a matter of memorial ceremonies, nor is it limited to reading the Bible; remembering can be done through teaching others, sharing the gospel message (and your own story!), and thanking God every day for His specific kindnesses to you. You remember through repetition. You remember when something is important. So repeat the truth as often as necessary for it to be at the forefront of your mind.

I hope you’ll join us this month for the scripture writing plan! As always, I post each day’s scripture on the Elihu’s Corner Facebook and Instagram Pages for those who use social media. Special thanks to Liz Smith for inspiring the plan (and proofreading the drafts) and to Sara McBroom who diligently provides the Children’s Tracing & Copying sheets each month!

To download a black and white PDF of this month’s plan, please click the link below:

To download the Tracing or Copying Sheets, click the links below:

4 thoughts on “Remember… September 2022 Scripture Writing Plan

    1. This ties in so beautifully, though. with the verses on the Lord’s Supper, since Passover was the meal that the Lord used to institute His supper.

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