Christian Living · Forgiveness

3 Truths to Remember in the Era of Misinformation

As we've navigated this pandemic (along with the corresponding quarantine, economic nosedive, and educational scramble), there have been boatloads of information and misinformation served with steaming sides of anger, self-righteousness, and superiority.  Before you speak, hit send, type a message, share a post, or assume the worst about anybody, listen to the words of James: Be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger..."

Marriage and Family

Social Media Ground Rules For Your Children

We take so much care with driver’s training, yet so little care with technology training. Our electronic devices provide children access to one of the most powerful and dangerous tools of our age—the internet. Occasionally, we are lulled into a false belief that parental controls will prevent our children from being “one of those kids”—those who post inappropriate pictures, suffer from bullying, or get lured away by predators.

Christian Living · Marriage and Family

Do You Have a Cell Phone? Does Your Child? Here’s a Film You Need to Watch.

If you don't have any major plans this evening (or Thursday), it would be worth your time to go out and see Kirk Cameron's new film "Connect.": This movie covers how the digital age is affecting our children and provides insight into how we can equip and protect them. Today's parents grew up with… Continue reading Do You Have a Cell Phone? Does Your Child? Here’s a Film You Need to Watch.

Christian Living

Avoid Using This Abbreviation

Like most teenagers, I heard plenty of slang in school—some terms were playfully innocuous, some vulgar. I often observed how a word or phrase was used and tried to avoid the inappropriate ones. One day, while having a conversation with my dad, I threw in a seemingly harmless word. I had heard this phrase used… Continue reading Avoid Using This Abbreviation

Christian community · Christian Living · encouragement

Tired of all the Negative in Your Newsfeed?

This morning I was doing some Facebook catch-up and one of my friends had posted this picture: The picture immediately reminded me of God's Love and the awesome gift of prayer He as given us. It was a ray of sunshine into the dark of my early morning. Intrigued by the beautiful rendering of the… Continue reading Tired of all the Negative in Your Newsfeed?

Christian Living · Forgiveness · Knowing God

How do I Achieve Peace AND Be Holy?

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. - Hebrews 12.14, ESV Peace is an elusive, hard-won, state of affairs. One party may feel at peace while another is ramping up efforts to overturn it. World leaders made flowery overtures about how they longed for lasting… Continue reading How do I Achieve Peace AND Be Holy?